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הכנס הבינלאומי ה- 11 להנדסת מערכות


דבר יושב ראש הכנס בשנה האחרונה אנו עדים לתמורות גדולות במציאות חיינו שמשבשות מערכות קיימות ומשפיעות על הפיתוח של מערכות חדשות. הפרעות כדוגמת הקורונה והעולם הדיגיטלי משנות את הדרך בה נהגנו לחשוב. בכנס הבינלאומי להנדסת מערכות ננסה להבין לעומק את ההשפעות של הפרעות כאלו ואחרות על השינויים הנדרשים מאיתנו, מהנדסי המערכות, כדי להוביל את המענה ... Read more

Ask A Graduate-2nd session-


Ask a graduate is a series of 3 online sessions, the series consists of interviewing graduates who talk to students about their graduation projects and what are the difficulties they faced, whether by choosing the idea or at the beginning of the work, and what programs and tools they used, to guide and advise them ... Read more

PES Day planning:Organize a debate


A meeting between PES Jordan Student Branches and PES palestine Student branches, to Organize a debate to talk about clean energy during PES Day. This activity will be the first of its kind and will add more curiosity to students and the community. Virtual:

Python Online Course


The IEEE Computer society chair and vice-chair presented an online course consisting of 6 sessions to introduce python language to participants. Around 120 people attended the zoom sessions. The course covered 17 important topics in python. In addition, 3 contests were prepared to help participants practise the language, and they were given certificates depending on ... Read more

Tubas hike

Tubas, West Bank, Palestine

The branch planned an educational and entertaining hike, where the participants visited the solar power station to learn about the project and solar energy, and then went to Tubas city to walk the path that varied between plains and mountains, and its distance reached 12 km. Many archaeological and historical sites were passed, and the ... Read more

Ask A Graduate-3rd session-


Ask a graduate is a series of 3 online sessions, the series consists of interviewing graduates who talk to students about their graduation projects and what are the difficulties they faced, whether by choosing the idea or at the beginning of the work, and what programs and tools they used, to guide and advise them ... Read more

AME (Additive Manufacturing of Electronics) webinar


AME confernece with more than 200 participants, mostly from Israel. 15 lectures abput AME machines, materials and technologies. Printing inks based mainly on Copper and Silver with a variety of usages for civil and millitary solutions. Agenda: Virtual: