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Special Seminar: Maximising the capacity of optical networks – how far have come and what else can we do?
Room: Lecture Hall 001, Bldg: Broadcom Semiconductors, Tel Aviv University, Dr. George Wise St. 17, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District, Israel, 69978Optical fibre networks underpin the global communications infrastructure, carrying >95% of all digital data. These optical networks operate on different time- and distance-scales – spanning long-distances (trans-oceanic, inter-satellite) and inter-city, as well as interconnecting servers and GPUs within data centres. The challenge for next-generation networks is in making them intelligent and adaptable to changes in ... Read more
ceClub Seminar – Workloads, Storage, and Service Allocation in Edge Computing
Room: #8, Bldg: CS Taub Building, Technion City, Haifa, Haifa District, Israel, 3200003Workloads, Storage, and Service Allocation in Edge Computing Abstract. Edge computing extends cloud capabilities to the proximity of end-users, offering ultra-low latency, which is essential for real-time applications. Unlike traditional cloud systems that suffer from latency and reliability constraints due to distant datacenters, edge computing employs a distributed model, leveraging local edge datacenters to process ... Read more
ceClub Seminar – Securing Modern Systems is More Challenging Than Ever (and Requires New and Dedicated Guardrails)
Room: #506, Bldg: Zisapel Building, Technion City, Haifa, Haifa District, IsraelSecuring Modern Systems is More Challenging Than Ever (and Requires New and Dedicated Guardrails). Abstract. Over the past decade, an increasing number of systems and devices have gained Internet connectivity and been enhanced with sensing capabilities and AI. While these advancements have created a world of smarter, more automated, and highly connected devices, they have ... Read more