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Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Radar
31/10/2021 @ 15:00 - 16:00
Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Radar
Dr. Mark E. Davis
AESS Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Life Fellow
Medavis Consulting, Prospect NY, USA
Ultra Wide Band Surveillance Radar is an emerging technology for detecting and
characterizing targets and cultural features for military and geosciences applications.
It is essential to have fine range and cross-range resolution to characterize objects
near and under severe clutter. This Tutorial is divided into five parts.
The Early History of Battlefield Surveillance Radar: Battlefield surveillance
from manned and unmanned aircraft, along with early experiments in fixed
and moving target detection and foliage penetration are covered.
UWB Phased Array Antenna: Wideband waveforms place a significant
demand on the ESA design to maintain gain and sidelobe characteristics.
Design of ESA systems with time delay steering and digital beamforming will
be described.
UWB Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): A brief description of several UWB
surveillance SAR systems will be provided, along with illustrations of the SAR
image and fixed object detection capability.
UWB Ground Moving Target Indication: Space time adaptive processing
(STAP) has been used for over 20 years for detecting and tracking moving
targets in clutter. As the resolution is improved for target characterization,
the limits of STAP are tested. This section will discuss two approaches for
increasing the bandwidth and maintaining geolocation accuracy: wideband
STAP and Along Track Interferometry.
New research in Multi-mode Ultra-Wideband Radar, with the design of both
SAR and moving target indication (MTI) FOPEN systems. The last section of
the lecture will illustrate new technologies that have promise for future
multimode operation: simultaneous SAR and GMTI in a multichannel radar.
Sunday, October 31, 2021, 15:00
Room 011, Kitot building
Room: Auditorium 011, Bldg: Engineering Classroom Building, Tel Aviv University , Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District, Israel, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/286430