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HISTELCON 2015, the HISTory of ELectrotechnology CONference of IEEE Region 8, was held at Tel-Aviv University, Israel, on 16-20 August 2015. The Conference was organized by IEEE Israel Section in conjunction with the 42th Annual Meeting of ICOHTEC (International Committee on History of Technology) and with Technical Cooperation of IEEE History Center, represented at the event by Dr. Michael Geselowitz and Dr. John Vardalas.

The Theme of the Conference was: History of High-Technologies and their Socio-Cultural Contexts. The Joint Conference had about 120 registered attendees with, in addition, about 40 part-time attendees. It included 31 Sessions and 4 Plenaries.

Region 8 was represented by its Director – Costas Stasopoulos and its Past-Director – Martin Bastiaans.
The IEEE organizers were: J. Baal-Schem (Chair), Shmuel Auster (Vice Chair), Rafi Hoyda (Secretary) and past IEEE Israel Chair – Prof. Simon Litsyn.

HISTELCON 2015 website