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Funding opportunities for Research and Innovation in Horizon Europe
22/02/2022 @ 16:00 - 17:30
RE: Monthly webinar – Funding opportunities for Research and Innovation in Horizon Europe
Speaker: Danny Seker, Israel Innovation Authority – ISERD
Date: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022 4 PM (Israel Time),
Dear IEEE Israel chapter members, Dear guests,
The IEEE Computer Society Israel conducts a series of webinars in different areas of computer systems, Software engineering, Computer architectures, data center, accelerators for machine learning, security, and more. The webinars offer insightful and enriching talks held by international leaders and professionals of the computer society sector.
The next free online webinar will discuss the “Funding opportunities for Research and Innovation in Horizon Europe”, and will be presented by Mr. Danny Seker, Israel Innovation Authority –ISERD.
Please notice that this time the talk will be give in Hebrew.
Horizon Europe is the largest Research and Innovation funding program in the world. It is a program of over 100B Euros for seven years (2021-2027) and it covers all industry disciplines and areas – from blue sky research to near to the market programs and from health and food to communication, industry and digital. Israel signed its Association agreement on December 2021 and Israeli participants are welcome to answer the open calls and try to receive the European funding. The presentation will be focused on the 2022 open calls, the main areas and subjects for 2023-2024 and the process to answer to a European call.
The Webinar is free, but pre-registration is required. So, please sign up using the below link https://technion.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IKJeXWTzTgSW168i7gL5mQ and the Zoom session details will be provided after registration.
Please contact us for any further details and updates on the series of IEEE Computer Society Webinars.
We are looking forward to your participation and future collaboration.
Prof. Avi Mendelson Prof. Freddy Gabbay
Avi.mendelson@technion.ac.il freddyg@ruppin.ac.il
Chairman Vice-Chair
Co-sponsored by: Freddy Gaabbay
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/302102