- General Chair: Mark Shtaif
- Technical Program Chair: Uri Erez
Steering Committee:
- Ady Arie: Tel Aviv University
- Joseph Kost: Ben Gurion University
- Ephraim Zehavi: Bar Ilan University
- Ariel Orda: Technion
- Yair Weiss: The Hebrew University
- Yossi Rosenwaks: Tel Aviv University
Organizing Committee:
- Mark Shtaif: Tel Aviv University
- Israel Cohen: Technion
- Sharon Gannot: Bar Ilan University
- Anelia Somekh Baruch: Bar Ilan University
- Yuval Beck: Holon Institute of Technology
- Liran Katzir: Tel Aviv University
Technical Program Committee:
- Ady Arie: Optics and Optoelectronics
- Shmuel Auster: Antennas & Microwave
- Jacob Baal-Schem: Smart Cities
- Yuval Beck: Power Systems
- Irad Ben-gal: Ind. Electronics & Applications
- Itai Dabran: Communications
- Sharon Gannot: Signal Processing
- Jacob Gavan: Electromagnetic compatibility
- Gady Golan: Electron Devices
- Leah Goldin: Computers
- Hugo Guterman: Robotics and Automation
- Yuval Kochman: Information Theory
- Steli Loznen: Product Safety Engineering
- Reuven Meidan: Vehicular Technology
- Yael Nemirovsky: Women in Engineering
- Yaakov Oshman: Aerospace and Electronics Systems
- Sigal Portnoy: Bio electronics
- Doron Shmilovitz: Power Electronics
- Solon Spiegel: Solid-State Circuits
- Arie Yeredor: Signal Processing
- Yuval Bistritz: Signal processing